Marie's Place

Just little tidbits of my life.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Days

For the past year, I've spent almost everyday with Eamon. It has been amazing to watch him grow and learn. Everyday he seems to pick up some new skill. Here are some of the things we do during the day:

We sing
We dance, he's recently added turning around to his dance steps. He's got some interesting moves.
We play in his kitchen where he pours coffee for me into my cup. We both then 'drink' from the same cup. I sit on the floor next to him while he moves all the kithen paraphenalia from one place to another in and out of the kitchen. The other day he got the container of dog treats out of the real kitchen and shoved them into his play oven. The kitchen came with plastic food - hot dogs, hamburgers, sliced cheese and bologna, etc. Even pretend peanut butter and jelly. Everyday, without fail, he bites each piece of food to see if it's edible. It wasn't yesterday, but let's give it another try today.
We eat breakfast and dinner and snacks in between. Lately, this has consisted mostly of yogurt and goldfish and cheerios. His choice, not mine. He insists on having his own spoon for the yogurt (usually the one that looks like a yellow crayon) and he digs into the yogurt and feeds himself while I slip spoonfuls into his mouth and try to retrieve the yogurt he's dropped on his clothes or his chin. By the end of each meal, we are both usually covered in yogurt.
When he starts to get sleepy, we watch Sesame Street that I recorded in the morning and we sit in the recliner and he usually falls asleep. Sometimes, if I'm tired to, we both just stay in the recliner and sleep. Other days I put him in his crib so I can get some things done.

I'll try to report from time to time as our activities change. I read somewhere that at 15 months old you could give them a crayon and let them 'draw' on a piece of paper. Well, he's more interested in eating the crayon and paper than drawing at this time, so we might try again next month. I love arts and crafts!

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