Marie's Place

Just little tidbits of my life.

Friday, October 28, 2011

A Wedding

Ok, so I haven't posted anything in a long time and I'm trying to catch up, so some of these things will be out of order. 
Last month, Ely was in a wedding.  His friends, Ashley and Jason got married. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. 

Ely and his friend, Rachel. 

Walking down the 'aisle'.

During the ceremony.  They little girl is Jason's daughter, Kaylee.

Ely and me

Lee and Ely

Ely looking pretty sharp in his tux.

A fantastic reception followed the ceremony at B&A Warehouse.  It was one of the best I've ever been to.  Food and music were outstanding. 

Brady's Birthday

We celebrated Brady's first birthday last Saturday with a costume party.  Amy had the house decorated for Halloween and had lots of yummy food. I contributed a couple of snake cakes. 

Brady wore the parrot costume I made for him.

Pretty cute,huh?

There was bobbing for apples.

There were balls to jump in.
There were cupcakes.

Another, please.
There was a pumpkin.
A mad scientist.
A poodle and a turtle.
There was a gheko.

A grandma.
A papa
A leapord

The weather was gorgeous and the kids got to spend a lot of time playing outside.