Marie's Place

Just little tidbits of my life.

Friday, May 21, 2010

In the mail

So, yesterday in the mail we got an invitation to a high school graduation. So nice of the family to think of us, unfortunately, I have no idea who the child is. I swear! I just can't figure it out. Then I wondered if I should just send a check in case it's somebody I really should know and am just having a senior moment. Then I wondered if this might be a money making scheme by some senior. Just think, you order a couple hundred extra graduation invitations. You pull up some random list of names from some random place from the internet, it's easy enough. Mail them out and chances are about 25% of them will send you a card and some money, just in case they know your parents and don't want to hurt their feelings. Think about it. This could be true. Meanwhile, if anybody knows Chelsea from Kenner, let me know.

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