Marie's Place

Just little tidbits of my life.

Monday, May 18, 2009

CARROTS - Utensil or Vegetable

My biggest daily challenge is what to give Eamon for lunch. There are things he likes, but it might not be the right day for it. He may want mac and cheese today, tomorrow he might throw it on the floor.

Today I tried backed beans ---- not interested. Tried some yellow rice ---- no sale. Barbecued pork ---- not today. Baby carrots and ranch dressing, now this was a big hit. Well, the dip was a big hit, he used the carrot as a utensil to get the dip out of the bowl. Then he would lick the dip off and put the carrot back into the dip to get more. He also had some goldfish, but that's a given, he'll eat those anytime.

Now, what will I offer him tomorrow. Probably frozen pizza, that's always a winner!

1 comment:

  1. LOL...I bet you can't wait until he's talking more! Tell me what you want sweetie ;)
