Marie's Place

Just little tidbits of my life.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bathroom Trauma

Ed came over Sunday to continue the bathroom tile job. Our bedroom closet is connected to teh bathroom, so we have to do that floor, too. We soon realized, much to my dismay, that the whole closet system had to come down in order to get the carpet up and get the tile down. The prospect of emptying out my closet caused me a lot of stress, so I had a big glass of wine to ease my nerves. Amy and Ed helped me pull everything out.

Currently, all of our clothes and other paraphenalia, is strewn around the bedroom, dining room laundry room, living room and guest bedroom. Finding clothes and shoes to wear to work in the morning has been quite a challenge.

This whole operations made me realize that I have too much crap and I am going to think long and hard before I put stuff back in there. The closet is gigantic and we couldn't hardly walk through it before.

Ed is tiling today, so, hopefully, I'll be able to get my clothes back in there soon.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, our house was like that for months after our water incident. I feel your pain. It's currently looking like that right now with all the boxes and crap we have sitting around right now waiting to move into storage. ACK!!!! Hopefully the choas will be worth it though :)
