So, recently our cat disappeared. No one is very upset about it. She was very old and had been moving very slowly for a few months now. The kids brought her home years ago from Girl Scout camp , then when I got Sparky the dog, the cat moved out and refused to let anyone touch her again. That was about 11 year ago. Since then, she has been an outside/garage cat. She invited the cat from next door to move in, which was fine except that he is a male and has sprayed all over the place down there. So, my garage smells like cat pee. And, to compound the problem, my husband is a hoarder. He has never met a piece of paper or a box that he felt he could part with. Junk mail, flyers, you name it, he saves it. The mail is in the den downstairs and that's a subject for another day.
The other day I was going out and looked in the garage and decided to take action. I loaded up my car with about 10 boxes and drove to the top of the driveway and quickly put them in the garbage can that husband Lee had already put out for the next day's pick up. Unfortunately, I got busted. He had to know what I was throwing away and why and didn't I have anything better to do. Well, yeah, I do, but since you won't throw anything away, I'm going to do it. When I got back from running my errands I checked and the boxes were still in the garbage, I really thought he would retrieve them.
I have a dream that one day I will be able to put my car in my garage. Is that too much to ask for?
Just take up one box at a time.