Marie's Place

Just little tidbits of my life.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


I visited some of my old co-workers on campus this morning and some of them told me that they wished I was back because I was good at handling things and getting things under control. One of them said he was going to get some bracelets made that had 'WWMD' on them for 'What Would Marie Do'. Apparently, there are and have been some things that happen that they feel I wouldn't have put up with. Yeah, I had a reputation for not putting up with much crap. I told some friends yesterday that I worked with years ago, that I am and never have been a team player. They laughed and agreed. I really work best when I am in charge and can boss people around. It's a gift!

Today I was sealing some envelopes and thought to myself, 'I used to have people who did this stuff for me'.

Anyway, it was good for my ego to hear that they still miss me and wish I was back.

1 comment:

  1. Miss you they should. And how thankful I was working under your care that you look into the needs of real people rather than names on paper for solutions that are fair and balanced.
    It is a gift!!!!
