My husband calls me today. Here is the conversation:
Husband: "Do you have a mastercard or Visa with Excalibur (can't remember the name of the company he said)? They keep calling me on my cell phone about an account."
Me: "No, my Visa is with Lancelot (made that name up)."
Husband: "Well, do your check your balance daily?"
Me: "No, I don't. And, I've never heard of the company you are talking about."
Husband: "Well, you need to check. I'm getting bad vibes from these people. I think it's a scam. You better check your account ."
Me: "I don't have a VISA with those people."
Husband: "Yeah, well, you need to check everyday. I think this is a scam."
Me: "Well, tell them not to call you anymore and do not give them any information."
Husband: "Check your balance. I know this is a scam."
So, just to shut him up, I go online, check my balance with MY VISA company. There is no problem. I call him back.
Me: "I checked, there is no activity on my account. If they call again, tell them to take your number off of their list and to not call you anymore."
Husband: "I think it's a scam. You need to check everyday."
JMe: "Ok, fine, I'll check 6 times a day, but I still don't have an account with that damn company!!!!"
Husband: "I think it's a scam."
Holy Crap! Somebody help me out here! The man is going crazy because of these phone calls. And, what part of 'I don't have an account with these people', can't he understand?????
As I said earlier today, the worse thing about getting old is being married to an old person.